With the Mountains-To-Sea trail spanning 1150 miles in between the Outer Banks and the Smoky Mountains, North Carolina has never ceased to enchant the hiking soul. Covering around 1500 miles intrastate trail and around 660 miles of the Mountain-To-Sea, the 100 Miles Challenge 2016 was a huge success. From hiking to cycling, running to walking, skating to paddling, riding horses or rolling on wheelchairs –the challenge brought out the perseverance of each participant and be assured, this year will be no exception. The idea behind introduction of this challenge was to promote physical wellness and thanks to the beauty of the state parks in Carolina, beginners, enthusiasts and experts are taking part. See more on How to Stay Safe When Visiting North Carolina’s Waterfalls.
Criteria For The 100 Mile Challenge
Regardless of your nationality, the 100 Mile challenge is for everyone, considered that they complete the challenge within North Carolina! You have to create and account on the official page to get yourself enlisted.
Kids below thirteen years of age can take part of Track Trails program offered for 26 state parks. They can enjoy self-guided hikes and games. They have to be logged in by a guardian and enlist him/her as “Buddy” to participate in Buddy Miles in groups. The mileage of individual participant is calculated separately and they are awarded accordingly.
Award For Completing The Challenge
The award will be given after they have completed 50, 100, 200, 250, 500 and 1000 miles respectively and throughout the way after reaching 100 miles, they can get digital badges for reaching mileage targets, participating in events and exploring state parks.
You can keep the log of past mileage to continue the progress up to 100 or more, or you can start afresh if you are exploring the state parks for the first time. The challenge will end on 31st December this year and you are free to sign up at any time and keep log of the past mileage covered.
How Can You Keep Logs Of Your Mileage?
To get your past or present mileage logged on the website of 100 Miles Challenge, you can sign in to your account and go to “Log my miles”.
Follow the steps-
- Enter date of completion of activity and choose the type such as hiking, biking, swimming etc. You will earn badges for covering miles on specific holidays and also according to the type of activity.
- Mention the site of completion of activity. Add events and event codes in case you participated on any past events
- Enter your mileage and select “Add Miles”
By logging on the website for Carolina State Parks 100 Mile challenge, you can select your trails, activities, bring a kid or some pet and even create a group with your friends, family or acquaintances. In case of groups, make sure that the activity(s) of all the members are listed beforehand on the group page, otherwise only the mileage of the listed activities will be added. Make sure to dress up accordingly and carry all the necessary things for this rigorous challenge.